
Sonarpur Swabhiman Welfare Society

Blood Donation Camp

Everyone wants to save lives and contribute to society. What is better than lending a helping hand to society than donating blood to the needy ones? We organize blood donation camps and give others the opportunity to get involved in them. Support for the blood donation camp is the perfect way to cater to the demand for blood nowadays. By organizing the camps regularly we bring smiles to many faces and support saving lives also. The purpose of a blood donation camp is to get proper donors whose blood will be safe for the recipients. We try to spread awareness of the need for blood donation around the society and to make sure no one loses lives due to the crisis of blood.

Food Donation Camp

We strive to eliminate hunger by implementing a camp that donates food to needy people. We aim at countering malnutrition by donating food to needy people often. Nutrition plays a vital role in the development of healthy bodies and brains in childhood, especially during the first five years of birth. During the early stage of life, children attain several developmental foundations which work as a foundation for their future. Malnutrition contributes to worldwide 45% of deaths at an early age. We have undertaken to feed needy people as one of our primary motives. We organize Food donation camps especially in rural areas so that people can get basic rights like food.

Educational Program

Sonarpur Swabhiman Welfare Society has started education programs for poor boys and girls on a regular basis to make them understand the importance of literacy. We donate books to poor children on a regular basis free of cost. The participants of the program get benefited greatly and parents of the children get convinced to make the children educated and also encourage others to get benefitted from these programs.

Cloth Donation to Poor

We focus on promoting the general well-being of people in all localities and for the same reason we arrange cloth distribution in winter as many people who don’t have the clothes to wear suffer a lot in the winter season. Every year we try to donate winter clothes to the needy people and along with that all year we try to take care of unfortunate people who don’t have dresses to wear. Feeling their plight as ours we decided to start a drive to donate clothes, blankets, and other necessary winter stuff to the people of rural areas. We are also providing winter blankets to patients and people living on the street. There could be no better gift than donating clothes to needy people.

Tree Plantation Program

Understanding the importance of trees for our society we focus on tree plantation programs in our society to increase the balance of nature in all possible ways. The way global warming is increasing in our world its quite important to plant more trees. We are working for the overall development of our community and for that reason increasing the number of trees remains a very important aspect. Tree plantation program is one of our necessary missions to increase wellness for our society.

Helping Dumb Animals

All animals deserve a life of care and dignity just like we all humans do, and we truly believe that. The solutions are quite simple but it requires society to pay more attention to that aspect. We focus on playing a significant role in presenting issues related to the topic and in other different fields to help animals live a better life. We truly feel that keeping animals healthy and safe is also included in our duties.

Safe Drive Save Life

We find it extremely important to spread awareness about road safety, especially among the general public, as traffic rules must be followed for their own safety as well as for the safety of others. No individual should drive without having a license, as it is our core responsibility to take care of our precious life.
The children are elaboratively taught about the basics of road safety and the significance of wearing helmets while driving so that they can further help their parents to follow the road safety rules.
Other than that, we also tend to inform the new traffic rules implemented in India in the current context.

Dengue Awareness Camp

It is necessary for all of us to first enlighten ourselves about the disease we are suffering from, or in general it is mandatory to have in-depth knowledge about common deadly diseases, in order to understand the preventive measures, why it is so important to consult a doctor, what we can do to get better and avoid the circumstances that have probably caused the illness.
To implement our ideas, we organize special dengue awareness camps, to make the common backward citizens become aware of the growing concerns about the illness and the effective treatments applicable to completely get rid of the health issue.

Malaria Awareness Camp

In India we all are aware of the fact that there are still numerous remote areas completely ignorant about the basics of education and they are still believing in traditional methods of treatment instead of scientific ones. For instance, the occurance of malaria is caused due to the infectious bite of anopheles mosquito and the spread of a single-celled microorganism called plasmodium, which can be depleted by following some common preventive measures including mosquito nets and spraying insecticides. In fact, there are various modern medications that have potentially reduced the risks of severe damage to a patient suffering from the disease. But, due to constant negligence, some underprivileged sections are facing nerve-wracking consequences. To effectively help such people, our organization has initiated malaria awareness camps, and so far we’ve successfully motivated the people to consult doctors and reach a healthy pace.

Computer Training Center

The world is changing and advancing itself in the blink of an eye and so to equally compete with them we need to enlighten ourselves as much as we can. Technological advancement has touched the skies in so many countries, we need to buckle up and to do so we took the initiative to launch our own Computer Training Center for those who can’t access the advantages even if they want to. So far we’ve trained a couple of underprivileged children and some of them have already made a career as teachers, instructors, and even tech experts.